


a Summer in Zoldo Valley, immersed in the nature, surrounded by majestic mountains that at evening will fascinate you with wonderful sunsets:to live it will be an unforgettable experience! You can choose out of the many activities proposed in the valley. Trip to the refuge, horseback reading pass, routes in mountain bike or you can choose a relaxing holiday with visits to the little craft markets ,to the nearly museum and to the traditional festivals with music and dancing!


Difficulty: easy-medium

From ss 251 road after the Palafavera Campsite, a little military road marked 564 (closed to cars) branches off to the west leads to the Casera Pioda. From here, follow the good mule-track marked 556 which goes up to the wide sparse pastureland to the rifugio Sonino. (In summer Is it possible to take a chairlift from Palalfavera to Col dei Dof near Casera Pioda) At the Rifugio Sonino al Coldài begins one of the most majestic stretches of the Alta Via n.1; it is not particularly tiring and presents no difficulties, and it includes the opportunity to see the great northern wall of the Civetta, the “Wall to end all Walls”, the Wand der Wände, as it is called by the Germans, who are great lovers of this mountain.
Travel time 1.30 h

Difficulty: medium

From the rifugio coldai (see above),you go up in a short time to the Forcella Coldài,2191m, and descend the opposite side down the gravelly basin right on to the banks of the pretty Lago Coldài, 2143m, which reflects the bold rock walls above. Going round the west bank of the lake you go up to the Forcella di Col Negro, 2203m, from where there is a magnificent view of the Torre Alleghe at the peak of the Civetta. Now the path goes down a little into the Val Civetta proper, ignoring the traces which lead in the direction of the walls which are clearly visible from here, superb and striking. Then, from the hollow at 2030m, the path goes up again to the wide Forcella del Col Reàn, 2107m. Just before the saddle path n.563 takes off to the right (north-west) and leads, aftera brief climb, to the Rifugio “Attilio Tissi”, 2250m, almost at the top of the Col Reàn, from where there is an incomparable view over the Lago di Alleghe to the north-west and the huge Civetta to the east.
Travel time 3.30-4 h from Palafavera

                                               1.30-2 h from rif. Coldai

Difficulty: easy

from Staulanza pass following the path 472 and going around the Pelmo in clockwiseway. The central way is surrounded by the southern scree of the north wall of Monte Pelmo
Travel time 1h.

Difficulty: easy

from Duran Pass by mule track. The path is part of ALTA VIA n.1, easy and scenic.
Travel time 45 min.

Difficulty: medium

It is reachable from different places, we give you the 2 alternatives closer to us:
Starting From the staulanza pass (4km from the hotel),after a small climb, the path develops calm up and down of pastures to arrive to the hut at m.1946
Travel time 2/ 2.30h


Difficulty: medium

Starting from "Coi" (2 km from the hotel), take the pathway CAI 473 until the rifugio Venezia
Travel time 2/2.30h


Difficulty: for expert
Lunghezza: 34,31 km

We start from Hotel EDELWEISS in Mareson and on an asphalt road we climb back up to the village of Coi, just out of the conglomerate of houses we abandon the asphalt to find a dirt road marked 473; then once we pass Casere it becomes 498, on this stretch we come to the famous “ Conconi Wall” from the first editions of the Civetta Superbike event, with its 22% altitude change in a little more than 600 metres of length, an impressively challenging stretch that will take us up another 468 m until we come to a crossroads with a single track with a rough, rocky surface, that will take us to Palafavera down a quite harsh, very difficult tract until we pass the namesake camping grounds.
We are at the 1511 m of the flat plain for Palafavera and we take the dirt road from the parking lot in front of the chair lift towards Val Posedera for a light climb over 3.3 km and a 193 m altitude difference on first a dirt road and then a path in the woods with an insidious surface that will bring us to the asphalt under the dairy malga Boi Vescovà, which we pass on a slight uphill; right after there is a short, more challenging stretch until we get to the point at Col Fioret (1832 m). From here a few hundred metres separate us from Prà della Costa from where we head down towards Val d’Aier for about 1.5 km with quite a challenging negative altitude change of -205 m, a descent with a couple of very technical and complicated passages. After passing the “Strente” point we head towards our next objective, “the village of Fernazza“ about 1.4 km away with -70 m altitude change. Passing this we continue the descent on the same trail and after covering about six hundred metres we come to the hamlet of Coi. Now we are on the home stretch, only 700 metres at 9% in descent over asphalt and dirt to get to Corso Venezia in Alleghe, we pass the Ice Arena to take the lakeside route to where it merges onto Corso Italia, where first we turn right towards the centre; next to the municipal building we take the uphill community road that goes up to Piani di Pezzè pedalling on asphalt for 5.23 km with a 496 m change in altitude, a 9,5% incline that is long and hard, passing through some houses in Frena and Coi, past the arrival station for the cable car lift, from the parking lot we take a slight downhill towards the point of Fontanabona enjoying a few hundred basically flat metres. Passing the namesake refreshment bar, from 1462 m we pedal up along a difficult climb that in 2.84 km will take us to 1827 m at F.lla Alleghe with an average 13% gradient on a stretch so hard to climb by bicycle that it is called “ the Civetta Wall”; It is about 400 metres with a steep incline close to 24%, and is recognisable due to the surface, which is dirt and old, decayed asphalt. Once we get over the wall the inclines are a little easier to Forcella; when we come off the other side we head right towards the dairy malga Pioda a few metres away and we start descending again following an easy, fun dirt road with a little slippery surface towards our next objective, the village of Pecol Vecchio, then we follow the dirt road marked 564 and get to the junction for Redolet, we take the single track on the right and go down for 1.6 km covering the challenging -338 m of altitude change paying close attention to the highly technical passage at the end of the descent; if you take on this descent after a rainy day the surface could be insidiously muddy and slippery. We are just outside the conglomerate of Pecol Vecchio and we go right to go up to Pian del Crep, a place at an altitude of 1741 m and we follow the dirt road for 3.55 km and 346 m climb, that is an average incline of 9,7% with some passages that are quite hard and sometimes complicated due to the road surface. When we arrive at scenic Pian del Crep we head downhill towards Mareson, our next point; first we go down the “Cristellin” ski slope over gravel and grass and then we pass on to a challenging path through a forest until we arrive to the bottom of the valley after riding negative - 416 metres of altitude chang.

Lenght: 19,12 km

We start from Palafavera (1500 m), from the parking lot in front of the chair lift we take a slight uphill towards Val Posedera for 3.3 km and an altitude change of 193 m on a dirt road before coming to a path in the woods with a tricky surface until we arrive to the asphalt below the dairy malga Vescovà (1721 m) in a few metres we pass the dairy and right after we find a brief stretch that is a bit challenging due to the surface until we get to the point at Col Fioret (1832 m), from here there are a couple of hundred metres between us and Prà della Costa, where we descend towards Val d’Aier and with a couple of challenging, tricky passages covering 1.5 km with a negative altitude change of - 205 on a rolling stretch before taking the trail to the left that goes into the woods and down for another -179 m towards Pian di Pezzè along a quite difficult stretch with a 20% incline along a path that is about 900 metres long. From here the descent towards Alleghe is fun but very challenging; the first part takes us to the point “I Coi” that takes us down -126 metres in 770 metres, on a technical path with a slippery, irregular surface. Right after we come to the conglomerate at Coldemies about 800 metres away with a negative altitude change of 10%, then to Fontanive, alternating the tract on asphalt and dirt road with a couple of crossings on the community street, the trail goes down – 207 m in 1140 metres ( -18%) which makes for a fun yet technical descent, there are just about 700 metres which are mostly on asphalt to arrive in Corso Venezia in Alleghe, here we take the cable car lift to Piani di Pezzè, then go with the new 8 seater cable car up to the 1915 m of scenic Col dei Baldi, get off the lift and looking North we take a slight downhill on our right; it is a dirt road with a good surface and we follow the trail marked 561 which brings us shortly to an easy and fun 1.23 km downhill to arrive at Forcella Alleghe (1827 m). From here we head to the dairy called Pioda just a few metres beyond and start going down again following a fun downhill with quite a rough surface to our target, the village of Palafavera, following the dirt road marked 564 we pass the junction for Redolet which we will not take today because it is not on the itinerary, and we continue towards our point, which we come to after 3.39 km with a negative altitude change of -316 m and an average incline of 9%. So we arrive at the 1500 m of Palafavera.

Difficulty: for expert
Lenght: 37,32 km

We start from the 1511 m of Palafavera, from the parking lot in front of the chairlift we head towards Val Posedera on a slight climb for 3,3 km and 193 m altitude change on dirt road
then a forest path with a complicated surface until we hit asphalt under the dairy malga Boi Vescovà; here we turn right and follow asphalt for about 450 m that will take us to the junction for Casera Fontanafredda we go left and past the dairy, then take a short, easy climb towards F.lla Pecol; when we come off the back we go down along a difficult tract with a disjointed surface for about 2 km and a 15% negative altitude change to the waypoint at Vizza Mareson. From here the descent becomes a slight slope to “Le Stroppe” and continues to the Baita Flora Alpina then on to a slight climb on asphalt until the rifugio Aquileia (1579 m) where in the shadows of the monte Pelmo we hit the halfway mark pedalling on a pleasant rolling dirt road towards Ru Cordon; after passing here we continue for about 1 km circa on a slight downhill until we cross the provincial road SP251 heading towards the parking lot for the chairlift about 300 metres further on. From the parking lot we take a dirt road to the right that in 4.54 km will take us to the 1848 m at Rifugio Fertazza, a road that snakes upward with a compact surface that’s easy to ride with an average 9% gradient that is only difficult in a few tracts.
When we get to this point with a lodge on the left we continue straight up on a decidedly hard, steep, bumpy climb for about 750 metres until we arrive at Costa del Conte at 1933 m, from here we start the long, motley descent towards Alleghe. We go down a dirt trail for a little over 1 km to the waypoint of Prà della Costa (1630 m) taking the downhill for Val d’Aier for about 1.5 km with quite a negative and challenging change of -205 m, a descent with a couple of tracts that are highly technical and complicated. After we pass the point at “Strente” we head to "Fernazza" our next objective, about 1.4 km further on with -70 m of change; we continue descending along the same path and after covering about six hundred metres we get to the houses in Coi. We continue our fun but very challenging, myriad descent towards Alleghe; right away we hit asphalt until we pass the houses in Frena to arrive in Coldemies about 1.15 km further on with a negative altitude change of 17 % mostly off road and then we come to Fontanive where we arrive with – 207 m in 1140 metres (- 18%) as proof of the commitment we will show on the route that features asphalt and dirt road, careful when we cross the community road. Now we are in the home stretch; just about 700 metres at 9% downhill between asphalt and dirt to arrive in Corso Venezia in Alleghe, here we pass the Ice Arena to take the lakeside route to where it merges onto Corso Italia, where first we turn right towards the centre; next to the municipal building we take the uphill community road that goes up to Piani di Pezzè pedalling on asphalt for 5.23 km with a 496 m change in altitude, a 9,5% incline that is long and hard, passing through some houses in Frena and Coi, past the arrival station for the cable car lift, from the parking lot we take a slight downhill towards the point of Fontanabona enjoying a few hundred basically flat metres. Passing the namesake refreshment bar, from 1462 m we pedal up along a difficult climb that in 2.84 km will take us to 1827 m at F.lla Alleghe with an average 13% gradient on a stretch so hard to climb by bicycle that it is called “the Civetta Wall”. It is about 400 metres with a steep incline close to 24%, and is recognisable due to the surface, which is dirt and old, decayed asphalt. Once we get over the wall the inclines are a little easier to Forcella; when we come off the other side we head right towards the dairy malga Pioda a few metres away and we start descending towards our objective, the village of Palafavera. Following an easy, fun, sometimes bumpy dirt road marked 564 we pass the junction for Redolet which we will not take today because it is not on the itinerary, and we continue towards our waypoint, which we get to after 3.39 km and arrive at the 1511 m of Palafavera,
